A set of twelve comprehensive services covering four areas distinguished by their excellence and level of professionalism.

More than one hundred highly qualified employees dedicate their services to reduce risks and cover damage.

At Vigylia, we support the economic and social sustainability of companies.

We have the best security analysts (ethical hackers) within Spain who give a fundamental vision to the Vigylia project in reference to the degree of vulnerability of all IPs or technical devices, whether or not they are servers of the organization.  This analysis is the basis upon which the design of the cybersecurity strategy of the company rests.  Our analysts not only intervene prior to the strategy design, but also they keep the client at the correct security levels by studying daily new dangers that threaten companies in the networks, with an adequate updated protection in place.

We have a first-class team of professionals that borders on excellence when it comes to personalized strategic design in each entity in the field of cybersecurity, culminating with the delivery of a Master Plan.  To be understood by this, the definition and prioritization of a set of information security projects with the aim of reducing exposure risks of an organization to acceptable levels, based on an analysis of the initial situation facilitated by our technical analysts or ethical hackers.

In Vigylia we bet on providing the organization with a customized solution by the technological development from the recommendations dictated by the master plan, without resorting to standard solutions that would not provide the extra quality needed to reach the appropriate levels in cybersecurity, and opting to maximize appropriate solutions in each specific case. We have the best national developers of technological solutions at the service of our clients, according to their business profile and location of their sector.

Vigylia is perfectly compatible with the Systems Management of the organization, if it exists internally, being able to consider the formula of implementing the customized solutions developed, either by that Management exclusively, or using the figure of the technological partner and working with the client technicians.  If the client, due to his profile, does not have the required professionals to implement the Master Plan and the measures derived from it, Vigylia will provide the necessary professionals for the implementation of technological measures.

The legal team of Vigylia fulfills a double function of enormous importance: it controls that the actions developed by all the professionals at the Company are carried out within the most scrupulous compliance with the law, including the technical and political measures proposed to the client.  On the other hand, it helps the client in everything related to cybersecurity, in its relations with third parties, and with the Administration, via compliance with the regulations of Criminal Compliance, Data Protection, and/or comprehensive advice on matters as artificial intelligence, big data, as well as what has been called the 4th industrial revolution.

Vigylia holds excellent relations with the Guardia Civil (law enforcement agency) and the National Police, as well as with the Regional Police, contributing their experience to the Computer Crimes Departments of these organizations, so that cybercriminals do not go unpunished; and also representing the legal and economic interests of our clients before ordinary or arbitral Justice.

Vigylia presents an innovative concept of cyber insurance.  Your technical and legal report allows for the preparation of a personalized insurance contract based on client needs, according to the coverage of unavoidable risks with the proposed technical and legal solutions, since the absolute guarantee never exists in terms of cybersecurity.  Vigylia will support the client in this way in a considerable reduction of the premiums to be paid, because unnecessary cases of coverage will not be considered.

The Vigylia team offers its clients consolidated professionals who are able to negotiate required treasury with financial entities to face the adequate investment in cybersecurity with the best interests in the marketplace, to obtain the best advice at affordable costs. Vigylia even has financial entities or “partners” aware that their contribution to the project will certainly result in the sustainability of the client companies.

Vigylia has entities that devote their day to day to the study of all possible grants that at A European, national or autonomous community level will support and help companies to their digital transformation, impacting on their economic or social sustainability. In the event that our clients meet the necessary requirements, Vigylia will write the necessary report in the corresponding calls for subsidies, in order for our clients to benefit from financial support in their investment.

It is proven that almost 50% of the economic and reputational damages suffered by organizations do not come from external attacks by cyber-pirates but instead from the lack of knowledge on the part of internal teams on the importance of protecting themselves from intrusions by third parties or from a correct use of their tools or facilities. It is fundamental that entities invest in training their professionals. We are dedicated to transmitting to them sufficient, basic knowledge at a technical, legal and crisis management level, and to expand their motivation to broaden their skills in cybersecurity.

Vigylia has a detailed crisis plan as a preventive measure against business vulnerabilities in cybersecurity, complemented by the development of actions in several possible future scenarios, seeking to minimize the risks and the economic and reputational impact that a client may suffer as a result of a cyber-attack. We also accompany the organization in social networks and other media with the best professionals in the sector, in the most crucial moments, with the primary objective of minimizing damages.

Vigylia certifies annually with its seal of quality that the companies in question comply with all the legal, technical, financial, training and crisis management requirements necessary for sustainability and ethical commitment in the field of cybersecurity. This process guarantees that companies have passed the technical, strategic and legal audits both for the closure of the initial project, and for the update or continued maintenance of measures advised over time. Only the entities that carefully comply with each and every single demand dictated by the Vigylia Professional Team, have the right to obtain certification of the “VIGYLIA” quality seal, which will surely help in the enhancement of its image as a brand, solid and responsible, for its suppliers and customers.